Firms, Networks and Innovation Behaviour
University of Toulouse, LEREPS and INRA, UMR AGIR
Toulouse, 10 and 11 September 2015
Following successful previous ENEF meetings organized in Sheffield, Rotterdam, Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Cambridge, Paris, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, Bologna, Madrid and Manchester, we are pleased to announce the 12th ENEF meeting to be held in Toulouse at the University of Toulouse 1 jointly organised by the LEREPS research team and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research’s team AGIR.
The main theme incorporates a recurring topic of the LEREPS and UMR AGIR teams from Toulouse, which has focused on the firm’s innovation behaviour and the way it combines internal and external knowledge, particularly within networks. Nowadays concepts such as networks, clusters and innovation systems are often used to refer to non-market interactions between actors in the innovation process. These could be geographically based (innovation clusters), sectoral (sectoral systems of innovations) or financially (ownership networks).
As well as theoretical and empirical analysis of firm innovation in the context of networks, clusters and innovation systems, the theme covers analysis based on interactions with wider institutional characteristics, e.g. firm governance and local, national and international policies, and firm innovation behaviour.
In keeping with previous ENEF workshops, we welcome submissions from all areas of the economics of the firm, also including inter-disciplinary perspectives including management, organization science and political economy contributions. In particular, the workshop will address the interaction between empirical, theoretical and policy analysis within the following topics, which include (but are not limited to):
- Cooperation for innovation, networks of innovators, open innovation
- Knowledge, technological sourcing and firm performance
- The geographical dimension of knowledge and innovation
- Finance, governance and industries
- State policy and innovation behaviour.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Franco Malerba (CESPRI, Bocconi University)
Jackie Krafft (GREDEG, UNS and CNRS, Nice)
Jérôme Vicente (LEREPS, Sciences Po Toulouse)
ENEF coordinator: Michael Dietrich, University of Sheffield
Local organisers: Danielle Galliano (INRA, UMR AGIR), Luis Orozco (University of Toulouse, EA LEREPS)
For more information about the 12th ENEF meeting, the submission process and practical details please contact or
All workshop information will also be posted on both the ENEF website: and the workshop website hosted in Toulouse: